Getting Started
You can switch to a thumbnail view of your project by clicking on the icon in the upper left-hand corner of your toolbar. This view will show you every page of your script in an easy scrollable format. Only project Owners and Administrators will be able to make changes to the script from this view.
From this view, you will have a number of ways to manipulate your script. You can replace, insert, and delete pages. You can also adjust page numbering to match any existing formatting.
Altering the PDF
If you add or replace pages, all cues, text notes, and bookmarks will remain on the pages where you previously set them. If you delete a page, everything attached to that page will be deleted as well. Any changes you make to the PDF file will happen globally for every user, so please check with your collaborators before updating the script. Because you cannot undo script changes, we highly suggest you use the History feature to save a copy of your project before you modify the PDF. For more information on the History Feature, please see the associated tutorials.
To make changes to your PDF, first select the pages you wish to adjust. You can do that by clicking on the page in the thumbnail view. Clicking on two consecutive pages will also allow you to choose every subsequent page between the selected ones. You will know a page is selected by the blue check box that appears in the upper left-hand corner of the page. Once the proper pages are selected, you can choose the appropriate option from the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Renumbering the PDF
Any pages you add to your PDF will automatically be assigned the number of the previous page plus a letter (i.e. 4a, 4b, etc.). If you would like to change those numbers or adjust any other page numbering, simply click on the page number visible below the page thumbnail and type the new number. This will become the number visible on your PDF view and in any associated bookmark or spreadsheet.
You can reset the numbering of every page in your project to a sequential numerical sequence by using the Reset All Page Numbering option in the toolbar. The option will allow you to reset all page numbers starting from a number of your choosing.
You can also sequentially renumber a selection of pages by clicking on the first and last page of the selected sequence you wish to renumber and then choose the Adjust Selected Page Numbers option.