We are constantly working to update and improve Cuelist. Below are some of the features we hope to implement in the future and a roadmap of what we have already done. Please feel free to reach out with any suggestions for future improvements. We look forward to your feedback.

What to look forward to…
Improve list view UI
Add bookmarks to the thumbnail view
Add the ability to transfer administration of Educational and Institutional subscriptions
Add template options so that users can quickly import layer preferences from existing projects
Page sync
iPad browser functionality
Update dashboard UI
Add a dashboard for inactive projects
Sticky notes
Tablet App
Improve user notifications
Custom stamps
Follow spot tracking
OSC integration with ETC and Qlab
How far we have come…
v2.3.2 updated on 02/19/25
duplication bug fix
v2.3.1 updated on 02/10/25
Improved layer color UI
Various bug fixes
v2.3.0 updated on 01/30/25
Add the ability to duplicate projects
Add optional note and stamp fill
Streamline work note popup
Various bug fixes
v2.2.0 updated on 01/07/25
Improve page numbering UI
Added ability to sequentially renumber multiple pages at once
Added the ability for users to select starting number for global page renumbering
Improved Stripe Integration
Improved Account Settings menus
Improved Modify Cue menu layout
Various bug fixes
v2.1.1 updated on 09/13/24
Lots of bug fixes and improvments
Improved tablet browser functionality
v2.1.0 updated on 08/09/24
Added a Margin View that can be toggled on and off in the single-page layout
Fixed a bug with changing cue and note pages
Fixed a bug with saved version labels
Fixed a bug that was hindering the user’s ability to hide cues
Added back the missing coupon code field
Added a loader page during script changes
Updated Stripe and Firebase dynamic code
v2.0.0 updated on 08/02/24
Redesigned user interface
Rework user experience when adding cues
Add the ability to zoom in or out on the pdf
Improved pdf clarity
Two-page view
Better script annotation tools
Added a thumbnail view
Custom page renumbering
Added exportable work notes
Created custom attributes
Improved printing
Added note copy and paste
Added note undo and redo
Added new keyboard shortcuts
Fixed improper script rotation bug
Fixed bugs with the Manage Active Users Setting
Fixed bugs with bouncing text
Vastly improved software performance
v1.8.0 updated on 08/11/22
Updated Stripe integration
Redesigned Account Settings page
v1.7.1 updated on 09/21/21
Fixed bug with cue parts
v1.7.0 updated on 09/20/21
Added timestamps to all work notes
Added the ability to archive active work notes
Added the ability to view the work note archive as a comprehensive list or on a cue-by-cue basis
Added the ability to add a work note directly to a cue with a right-click
Added the ability to control the default size of the stamp tool on a layer-by-layer basis
Updated the color picker for all layers, notes, and cues to allow users to choose primary colors and black
Added the ability to map the default note color to the layer color
Updated the collaborator invite email text
Fixed bugs in the default notes property attributes
Fixed a bug with parts cues
Fixed a bug with list view layout in the Chrome Browser
v1.6.0 updated on 05/20/21
Added new layer attributes to allow for prop tracking
Added the ability to hide and show layers in list view directly from the list view page
Added the ability to export list view information as a CSV file directly from the list view page
Added the ability to select and deselect entire layer property categories (lights, sound, and props) with a single click
Added a confirmation button on the Institutional Affiliation and Manage Active Users popup menus
Added new icons on the menu bar for list and cue views
Changed the work note icon
Corrected tooltip errors
Fixed a bug where layers were not properly alphabetizing
Fixed a bug where cues were not always appearing properly in the print layout
Made extensive under-the-hood fixes to optimize the entire Cuelist experience to make it faster and more responsive
v1.5.0 updated on 10/19/20
Redesigned cues to be smaller and cleaner
Added ability to control the size of cues. This can be done on a layer-by-layer and cue-by-cue basis. Cue size only affects local use
Add two new default cue placements for every project. Cues can now default to the left margin, the left side of the PDF page, the right side of the PDF page, or the right margin. All cue box positions are still adjustable on an individual basis
Allow users to control opacity inside the cue marker resizable cue box. This can be done on a layer-by-layer and cue-by-cue basis
Reworked UI for accessing menu and cue information to be more intuitive
Redesigned the Modify Cue menu
Added ability for project owners to transfer ownership to another user
Added ability for users who have not signed in with Google to change their email address from the Account Settings menu
Fixed Stamps so that they convert properly in dark mode
Under-the-hood fixes to make Cuelist run smoother
v1.4.1 updated on 03/10/20
Fixed a bug that was causing some users' cue title and label information not to save when using Firefox or Safari
Fixed bug that was causing exported PDF scripts to scale incorrectly
Made user's option to hide/show cue titles and labels a local change only, so other collaborators are not affected by the choice
v1.4.0 updated on 03/02/20
Educational and Institutional subscribers can now update their active users from the Project Settings Menu
Free users can now affiliate with an educational or institutional program and have their accounts activated by that program
Added the ability to view billing history from the Project Settings Menu
Added an Administrator role, which can be assigned to collaborators on any project. Multiple administrators can now assign layer permissions and update the pdf script just like the project owner
Users can now update their role title in a project
Users can now specify if they want to view a number or label (or both) in every cue on the page
After adding a cue or note, the user will automatically be focused into the text field of that cue/note to eliminate extra clicks
Added the ability to change active cue and note layers from the toolbar
Layers now default to visible for collaborators
Added the ability to edit the layer and cue number from the list view
Un-numbered cues in the list view will now be sorted by x/y position on the pdf page
Added a sample project for every new free account
Fixed the bug where information would sometimes not save if the user hit return quickly after creating a cue
Fixed other small bugs, including dark mode fixes
Under-the-hood fixes to speed up communication with the database
v1.3.0 updated on 08/26/19
Add the ability to move cues anywhere on the page
Cues will now auto-resize based on text
Added a toolbar to give users the ability to add stamps, highlights, lines, and counts
Allow users to set default text size, color, and font on a layer-by-layer basis
Allow users to set separate active layers for cues and notes
Ability to share bookmarks between collaborators
Add scroll wheel functionality for changing pages on Google Chrome
Add keyboard shortcuts for text tools, search, work notes, bookmarks, etc.
Fixed small bugs, including list sort error issue
v1.2.0 updated on 06/03/19
Added a list view, which lets users see all cues laid out in spreadsheet form
Added cue attributes that align more closely with sound designer needs
v1.1.0 updated on 04/29/19
Added the ability for users to search cues, notes, and text information within the project
Added a work note feature so that users can mark cues that need to be revisited later
Added a work note list to show all compiled work notes
v1.0.1 updated on 04/08/19
Added the ability to move cues to the right or left margin
Added the ability for users to control line opacity between cue marker and title
Added scaling so that cues and text size adapt to user browser size
v1.0.0 updated on 03/20/19
v0.9.7 updated on 03/19/19
Updated billing system
v0.9.6 updated on 02/13/19
Added the ability to export script to pdf using Chrome browser
Reformatted layout to eliminate empty space between script and cues
Streamlined the login process
v0.9.5 updated on 12/30/18
Added bookmark feature
Moved database to Google Cloud Firestore
Added offline persistency so that Cuelist will continue to function and retain all changes, regardless of whether the user goes offline during a session
v0.9.4 updated on 12/12/18
Streamlined cues
Added tooltips
Added the ability for users to attach a display image to the show file
v0.9.3 updated on 10/31/18
Added cue attributes that align with ETC lighting consoles
Streamlined UX for adding cues and notes
Added the ability to export cue information in CSV format
v0.9.2 updated on 10/14/18
Add ability for project owner to add, replace and delete pdf pages
v0.9.1 updated on 07/18/18
Increased pdf document size
Updated email login security
v0.9.0 updated on 06/12/18