Inviting Others
When you first create a project, you will be the only one who can see and edit it. If you want to invite collaborators, the process is very straightforward.
First, from inside the project, go to the menu in the upper left-hand corner and click on the Collaborators option. From here, you can invite as many collaborators as you would like. They don’t have to be current Cuelist users to receive the invite, but they will need to sign up for either a free or paid account in order to view the project.
When you expand the Invite Collaborators menu, you will see four places in which you can input information. The first line, “Find Existing User,” is optional, but if your collaborator is already a Cuelist user known to you, putting their information on this line will pre-populate both their email and name. The final line is for their role. This should be filled out with the position your collaborator will undertake on your project. For example, Lighting Designer, Sound Designer, ASM, etc.
Once you finish filling out the form, click Send Invite, and an email invitation will be sent to your desired collaborator. The project will also immediately come up in their Pending Project Invite box.
After you have sent the invite, your potential collaborator will be moved to a Pending Collaborators list. If you made a mistake in your invite, you can open their name with the expansion arrow and remove them from the project before they have accepted your invitation. The user will no longer see the project in their Pending Project Invite box.
Assigning Permissions
Once a collaborator has accepted your invitation, they officially become a part of the project. If you are the project owner, you can assign your new collaborator specific layers to which they will have edit access. The project owner will automatically have full access to every layer created by every user. However, all other users will only have automatic edit permission on the layers they personally create. If you need edit access to layers created by another user, you must request that the project owner or an administrator (see Assigning Roles below) assign you permission for that layer.
If you are the project owner or an administrator, you can assign layer permissions in the following way: go to the Collaborator menu and click on the expansion arrow next to a user’s name. You will see a column with the name of every layer on the right and a box in a column on the left. Simply check the box associated with a layer, and that user will now have full edit permission on that specific layer. If a user doesn’t have permission to edit a layer, they can still view it, but they won’t be able to make any changes. As a collaborator, you can see what layers you have edit permissions on by expanding your name in the Collaborators menu. Your layers will have checked boxes.
Assigning Roles
Beyond assigning permissions, as the owner you can also assign roles to your collaborators.
Again, start at the Collaborators menu. Press the arrow to expand the options for any collaborator and click on the Collaborator Access option. A pop-up menu will appear. If the user has a free Observer account, you will only see the option to remove them from the project. But, if the user has a paid account, you will see the option to shift their access from Member to Administrator or Owner.
A member has the ability to add, delete, and edit cues and notes on any layer to which they are assigned access. They can also create their own layers. In addition, they can save snapshots in the history menu. Members can't edit the underlying PDF in a project. Members can remove themselves from a project, but they can't remove anyone else.
An administrator has all of the abilities of a member, plus they can assign layer permissions to themselves or other members. They can also add, replace, and delete pages in the PDF. Administrators can also turn other paid members into administrators. Finally, administrators can completely remove other members from a project. Administrators have the same access as project owners, but they cannot delete a project.
Users can also transfer ownership of the project. There can only be one owner on any project, and only the owner can transfer ownership, so you can't undo this change without the consent of the new owner. The owner of a project is the only one who can delete it. They will also automatically have permissions on all layers rather than having to assign permissions on a layer-by-layer basis.