Creating Projects
To start a new project, simply click on the Start a New Project button at the top of the page, and you will be given the opportunity to name your project and upload a PDF script. For now, we are going to bypass choosing collaborators and layers because you can do this either upon the creation of your project or anytime afterward, and we will go over all of that in detail in another tutorial.
Once you have created your project, you will be returned to the dashboard and will notice the project is now available for editing. If you are the project creator, you will have two icons at the bottom of your project. You can click anywhere on the project to begin editing your script, or you can click on the pencil icon to go directly to the Project Settings menu. You can also delete the project at any point by clicking on the trash icon. Please remember that as a project creator, you alone have the power to permanently delete the project for all of your collaborators. If you are working on a project with multiple collaborators, we highly recommend you don’t use this option until checking with them first. You are not charged for storage, so if you are working with multiple users, in most cases, it is in your best interest to just leave the project in your dashboard rather than delete their work as well as your own.
Beyond creating your own project, the other alternative is to be invited to a project by another collaborator. As soon as you are invited to the project, it will show up in your Pending Project Invite box. From here, you can either accept the invitation or decline. If you decline the project, it will immediately disappear from your Pending Project Invites. If you do that in error, simply request a new invite from your collaborator and start the process again.
If you accept the project, it will immediately be moved into your dashboard. You will notice a few differences on accepted projects in which you are not the creator. The first and most obvious one is that you are not able to delete the project. If you no longer want to have the project in your dashboard, simply enter the project and remove yourself as a collaborator. Otherwise, the project will remain in your dashboard as long as it is in existence.
The final thing to note on the dashboard page is that as you accumulate additional projects, you will always find your most recently edited project in the large box at the top left. All subsequent projects will be arranged in chronological order based on the time of the last project update.
Modifying Projects
Once you have created a project, you can modify some key features in the Project Settings Menu in the upper left-hand corner of the navigation bar. As the project owner, you can rename the project at any point.
The project owner can also add a project image to be associated with any project on the user dashboard. That image can be a JPG, GIF, or PNG image no larger than 1MB. For best results, we suggest uploading a square image.
Once the project owner has uploaded the project image, each user will have the ability to turn off project titles to give the project a cleaner look if desired.
Each user can set the default cue placement on the left or right side of the page. This choice will affect the initial placement of cues in any newly formed layers.
In addition, every cue can also be adjusted individually. Whatever you choose, please note that this choice only affects the individual user’s display, and the default position can be changed at any point.