Creating Layers

To create layers, go to the menu and click Layers. You can title your layer, pick a color, and then click the Add Layer button.

Cuelist functions best if collaborators have access to a layer specific to their field. Examples of layers might be Sound, Lights, Automation, Projection, Cue Lights, etc.

Layer Options

Once the layers are created, new options appear. If you click the expand arrow next to your layer, you will see the option to Hide Cues, Hide Notes, Change Color, Edit Cue Properties, Edit Note Properties, and Delete the Layer. 

If you want to rename the layer, just click on the current name and make the change. The option to change color functions similarly. Just open up the color menu and pick your color. The layer will change for everyone immediately.

Hide Cues will hide all cue information in that layer. Hide Notes will keep the cues visible but will hide all other annotations. You will notice that when you click on Hide Cues an icon will appear in the colored box associated with that layer.

Editing Cue Properties

Here, you can choose your default cue placement, default cue size, default resizable box opacity, default cue line opacity, and the attributes listed within each cue. These choices only affect your personal account, so you don’t have to worry that you will alter any other user’s display with the choices you make.

Default cue placement allows you to initially have the cue title box appear on the right or left side of the page. This is a choice you can make on a layer-by-layer basis, so it is possible to have one layer place cues on the left and one on the right. Cue title box position can also be controlled on an individual cue-by-cue basis by untethering the cue. We will go over how to do that in the Modifying Cues Tutorial. 

You can also view your cues off the PDF page in the right or left margin. To view cues this way, you must be in the single-page layout view and toggle the Margin View switch (found on the right side of the navigation bar) to the ON setting. Please see the tutorial on Modifying Cues for more information. 

Cue size relates to the size of the cue title box. This can be changed on a cue-by-cue basis inside the individual cue menu. 

The resizable box opacity adjustment will change the opacity of the color inside your box. A low level will serve as a colored highlight, while a high level will black out whatever is inside the box. 

Cue line opacity allows users to make the lines connecting the cue marker and the cue title more or less present layer-by-layer. You might not want the lines visible for some layers but quite bold for others.

Cue Attributes

Attributes give you the ability to select exactly what information you want to place in each cue. You can add space for a description, notes, time, etc. The layer attributes can generally be divided into three categories: lighting, sound, and props. You can select all the attributes in a single category or pick and choose to your liking. If you leave an attribute unchecked then you won’t see a space for that item inside the cues in that layer. The attributes you display is unique to your account only and won’t alter any other user’s display.

At the bottom of this menu, you will see four User Defined Attributes per layer. You can title these and add them as you see fit.

At the bottom of this menu you will be able to determine the default information visible in the cues for each layer. You can choose to show the Number/Title, the Label, or both. You can also make this choice on a cue-by-cue basis inside the individual cue menu.

Editing Note Properties

These options will set the default for every note you create in the layer. From here, you can choose your default font, font size, line thickness, and stamp size. You can also choose the primary, secondary, and highlight colors. Finally, you can choose whether your text notes and stamps have a solid or transparent background. You can always alter any of these properties on a note-by-note basis by using the Modify Note menu inside the note itself. 

Primary Color refers to the default color of the text in your text notes and the color of your text in your stamps when you use the stamp tool. It also refers to the color of any line created on the page. Secondary Color refers to the border of any stamp you create and Highlight Color refers to the color of your highlight tool. For all of these colors, you have the option to associate the color directly with the corresponding layer color by clicking the 'Match Layer Color" box.

Deleting Layers

Selecting Delete this Layer will delete the layer and all associated cues for everyone (so, use this option wisely). You will get a warning confirmation pop-up when you have cues in the layer. However, if the layer is empty it will immediately delete.

Active Layers

The final option in the layer menu is under the heading Active Layer. After you have created some layers, you will need to select an active layer. This is your default layer for the cues and text you create. Your active layer can be any visible layer for which you have edit permissions. 

When you create a cue, you can change the layer directly on the cue, so picking the proper active layer is nothing more than a time-saving convenience. 

You can see your current active cues and notes layer at the left side of the toolbar on the main pdf page. You can click here to select a different active layer. You do not have to have the same Cue and Note layer active simultaneously.